What is micro switch used for?

Micro switch in frequent exchange circuit device for automatic control and safety protection etc., are widely used in electronic equipment, instrument and meter, mine, electric power system, household electrical appliances, electrical equipment, as well as aerospace, aviation, warships, missiles, tanks and other military areas, has been widely used in the above areas, switch are small, but plays an irreplaceable role.The current domestic market of micro switch according to different application requirements, the switch of mechanical life with 30k to 10,000 k, generally speaking, there are 100k, 200k, 500k, 1,000k, 3,000 k, 5,000k, ,8000k, the domestic general use beryllium bronze, tin bronze, stainless steel wire do reed, foreign ALPS highest can do 10,000 k times, their reed is made of rare metal titanium.Can be used in such as computer mouse, car mouse, automobile electronic products, communications equipment, military product, test instrument, gas water heater, gas burner, small home appliance, microwave oven, electric rice cooker, floating ball supporting equipment, medical equipment, building automation, electric tools and general electric, and radio equipment, 24 hours timer.Any request pls contact:shouhan3@so-han.com/+86 13266745226

Post time: Aug-18-2021